Learn carnatic music

"Practice, not till you get it right. Practice, till you cannot go wrong anymore."

The sanskrit word “Saadhana” translates to “a means to achieving something”. The decision to learn any fine art form is a lifestyle choice. When you choose to pursue a fine art like classical music or dance, you make a conscious decision to take a road that inherently requires discipline and hard work. Many students are blessed with talent and have immense potential. Unfortunately, excellence in this field demands so much more.

Students at the Swarnam School of Music, are required to commit to practice sessions, outside class hours, to fully benefit from what they learn in class. They are required to have a practice schedule, that is customised to fit their own daily chores and commitments; and more importantly maintain discipline in following the practice schedule. Moving forward in lessons is subject to this commitment to practice.

The school tries to inculcate the 3 stage practice system, with added focus on the last stage.

Students young and old have different objectives for pursuing No other form of art . Some are children, who are in class because their parents chose this as an after school activity. Some are adults who are resuming their interest in music after taking a break for various personal or professional commitments. Irrespective of your personal motive and circumstances, carnatic music, can bring a sharp sense of focus and calm like no other form art. This form of music is inherently built on patterns and hones concentration skills that can be carried over to other parts of your life. Attaining this level of concentration or dhyanam brings a meditation like calm over the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of your personality.

For many, music becomes the path of prayer and feels like a personal dialogue with the supreme.


The teaching and learning of carnatic in today’s digital age is restricted to the one hour class. In an effort to revive the holistic learning of this divine artform, SSM creates many opportunities for students to get involved in learning beyond the class.

Subject Deep Dive

The School holds workshops and group sessions that focus on the theoretical and deeper understanding of the subject.

We also invite experts from the music fraternity to enlighten us on the advanced aspects of singing and manodharma

Annual Assessments

SSM believes in imparting quality lessons. To keep a check on this and to keep the students goal-oriented and motivated to serious learning, the school conducts a school-wide assessment every year. This includes an assessment by external examiners who are associated with university-level grading. This also includes an evaluation of the theoretical understanding of the subject.

While the school encourages all students to voluntarily participate in this evaluation, it does grant some students the leverage to skip the exams.

Voice Exercise and Coaching

At SSM, we believe everyone can sing. However, we also know that not all voices have the same structure and flexibility that singing demands. Many of our students who have started their singing journey with us, sang out of tune and possibly all 7 notes at the same frequency! But many of the same students have now progressed to advance level of lessons. Exercises aimed at increasing vocal range, strengthening the singing voice and gaining voice and breath control are taught and practiced in our regular voice coaching sessions. Students who require voice coaching take a little more time to reach their goal of singing, but our experience has shown that “Everyone can sing!”

On-Stage learning

SSM believes the old-school system of “earning the right to be on stage” rather than the new-age philosophy of “Stage performance” at the earliest chance!

However, the school provides opportunities to students to experience the stage. This is after meticulous and rigorous practice and usually at events that have a strong social cause.

Our students have performed at local Rotary meets, a hospice for terminally ill patients among others.

On-Field Learning

The School plans a yearly field trip for all its students around the August-October period. These trips to Humpi, Tanjavoor, Thyagarajapuram, Madurai etc among many other heritage places, provides students an opportunity to experience first-hand, the inspiration that drove the great composers of carnatic music. This is great learning experience for the students and we welcome them to bring their families too!